The Star Protocol is science-fiction on steroids. The story races along following the adventures of its Delta Force protagonists, Will and Dash; their MI6 buddy, John; archaeologists, Alex and Cassandra and others with whom they are thrown together as they try to outrun events that are out-pacing them. Secrets of the universe have lain hidden in ancient writings and artefacts for centuries. The news from the stars is not great for mankind. The mismatched group, thrown together by violent circumstance have little choice but to take their quest to alien worlds. Will and Dash have the courage and training, Alex and Cassandra have the in-depth knowledge ... and John has a secret. They meet new challenges and forge new alliances, stumbling from one dire situation to another as they struggle to learn what they need to know in order to head off catastrophe. The denouement when it comes is dramatic and satisfying, and with a sting in its tail.
Additional Information
Author | Ramon Marett, Simon Marett |