As an independent publishing house, we support anyone who wants to dive into the wonderful world of publishing. However, it can be a daunting prospect for those who are new to the industry so we have put together the following resources to help. They have been hunted down over many years and suggestions have come from a wide variety of sources including the UK Publishers Association, collective licensing and rights management bodies, our own experience starting up, other wonderful small publishing houses both in the UK and abroad, our editorial team, suggestions from successful self published authors and our friends in larger publishing houses (some of whom work in the 'big six').
More resources will be added to this page as we inspect and endorse them. If you have any resource pages that you would like us to consider for this list, please contact us and let us know.
BEING PROFESSIONAL - If you are serious about becoming a publisher, find the professional bodies in your part of world
If you intend to focus mainly on magazines, check out the Professional Publishers' Association
LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN THERE - You are in the words and information business, so go and read the words written by those who have already undertaken this journey
We hope you have found these resources useful and we wish you every success in your publishing adventure.