Welcome to Fantastic Books Gaming!
We've just successfully Kickstartered our first game, the Gorgon's Loch, and now we've almost completed fulfilment! You can secure your copy by clicking the image below and grabbing a copy through our store while stocks last!
The mission of our gaming division is to attract gamers from across the spectrum to come and try accessible, fun, easy to learn and quick to start games based on traditional tabletop role playing games of the past.
Our emphasis is on gameplay and fun. One of the brilliant things about being an established book publisher for years before opening a gaming division is that we already have the blessing of many of our authors, particularly those writing in the science fiction and fantasy genres, to explore the possibility of creating games based in and around the universes of their novels. Exciting!
OUR FIRST GAME: The very first game from FBG is called 'the Gorgon's Loch' and is a classic dungeon crawler with a difference ...
It was successfully funded on Kickstarter on the 30th January 2021. If you missed the campaign, you can still grab a copy here.
The game system it uses is called the STORM system and has been developed by us and allows for some interesting mechanics, one of which is a completely autonomous enemy movement and attack mechanic. What does this mean? Unusually for a tabletop role playing game, this means that a single player can play through the Gorgon's Loch scenarios while generating and battling enemies that are controlled with a very simple algorithm. The STORM system allows players to GIVE, TAKE, USE, FIGHT, SEARCH and MOVE their way through the dungeon, enriching themselves and trying to avoid traps, battling enemies and solving puzzles along the way.
However, we've already told you much too much about our inaugural game as that's what our Twitter, Facebook and Kickstarter communities are for so please head over and get signed up to keep track of all our upcoming shenanigans.
We have now released the artwork for all eight enemies in the Gorgon's Loch including the Gorgon Queen herself! Links to the albums are here on Twitter and here on Facebook. We hope you love them as much as we do!
Thanks for checking out our brand new division. We hope you like what you see and will sign up to our social media to keep in the loop.
CHECK OUT OUR PODCAST EPISODES BELOW. The pandemic has stalled this series somewhat but we will be returning to the air waves very soon in the run up to the retail release of the Gorgon's Loch.
WHAT PRODUCTS DO WE SELL ALREADY? We do already sell one game, a third party creation which is the original officially licenced Elite: Dangerous role playing game called 'Elite: Encounters' by Daftworks (not to be confused with the ED:RPG from Spidermind Games which is also awesome but an entirely different game). We offer Elite Encounters with kind permission of the creator Dave Hughes on a beautiful, action packed USB stick as you'll see below.
CAN YOU HELP? Feel free to get in touch if you think you can help us develop our gaming division into something truly Fantastic.
We are always looking for:
- Talented Games Masters to help us demonstrate games at expos and conventions
- Creative authors willing to plan some scenarios
- Terrain and character 3D printers looking to have their work featured in our streamed game testing videos
- Audio actors looking to voice our gaming adverts/narratives
- Sponsors looking to help us finance and develop our prototypes and gaming systems can contact our CEO Dan directly here; Thanks for your help!
The Gorgon's Loch - A board game for 1 to 5 players
£35.00The Gorgon's Loch is a quickstart, easy-to-play, hard-to-master dungeo...