FantastiCon 2017 is coming!
Howdy folks,
Dan here. I thought I'd post a blog to explain what our FantastiCon event is all about and what you can expect if you decide to come and join us for the weekend. Here we go.
Ok, here's your weekend in a nutshell IF you plan on taking it easy...
Location: The Guildhall in Hull, the UK's City of Culture
Sample Itinerary:
- Arrive, grab a NERF gun and shoot a few targets in our NERF arena. 'Accidentally' hit one of our staff members in the bottom.
- Grab a handful of free biscuits and slosh them down with a free soft drink.
- Have a go on the latest VR headsets. Realise you really need one. Immediately join the cue for every other headset in the building.
- Sit down (possibly via the bar) for a game of Zombicide/Carcassonne/Other amazing tabletop game with either your pals or some strangers and be guided through the hilarity by one of our talented Games Masters.
- More biscuits to keep you going. More free soft drinks.
- Watch a panel on stage, ask a few questions, get a few answers. Chase them off stage, get a few autographs, get a few selfies.
- Marvel at the full sized T.A.R.D.I.S. Grab a photo with it. Feel extremely clever as you ask a passing cosplayer, dressed as the Dr, if they'd have a photo with you as well. Grab a photo with the T.A.R.D.I.S AND the Dr. Turn around and spot lots of Daleks... rethink photograph.
- Browse the Fantastic Books Store. Buy a raffle ticket and a best seller from our collection. Have it signed by the author who's sitting right over there looking pensive in front of a big banner of their own face. Look down at autographed raffle ticket. Return to have author sign book instead.
- Go and play classic Mariokart on a retro gaming console and have your time added to the league table. Enjoy all the games of your childhood. Get a bit cross when you keep falling off the 'Rainbow Road' track.
- Enjoy an exciting book reading by one of our authors. Chase them off stage, get an autograph, get a selfie.
- More biscuits, jammy dodgers this time before the Hammers of Slough eat them all.
- Compete in a Rocket League tournament for really cool prizes.
- Control some comic book tech with your mind. Try out Iron Man's helmet, arm and more. Wonder how the mind control tech works.
- Head to the Find the Fudge Man table to see if the consumption of delicious fudge products is directly related to mind control powers.
- Have your photo taken with some awesome cosplayers against a green screen. Choose your favourite background. Have the picture emailed straight to you there and then. Share it from your phone straight away. Bask in the jealousy of your absent mates. Through their sobbing, remind them it's on tomorrow as well.
- The biscuit table again, bourbons for variety this time. More free soft drinks.
- Grab a pint from the bar. Chat with like minded folks. Forge a few alliances for the NERF war later.
- Stare wide eyed at the 3D printer as it plies its trade in slow, satisfying layers... realise you are feeling sleepy and slightly hypnotised... head back to biscuit table for sustenance.
- Play more games, maybe an RPG scenario this time from Simon Burley or the ED:RPG guys from Spidermind Games, all under the watchful eye of one of our talented Games Masters.
- Back to the NERF arena, this time for a person vs person war complete with lighting effects and battle sounds.
- Rest by the biscuit table to get rehydrated. Decide to get rebiscuited as well.
- Pop out to eat in one of Hull's many wonderful restaurants. Realise you're full of biscuits. Return to venue.
- Enjoy live music on stage until 11pm. Chase musicians off stage. Get a few autographs, get a few selfies, buy a few albums.
- Grab a handful of biscuits on your way out (to either go to a nightclub or back to your hotel).
- Heave a huge sigh as you remember that the weekend is only half over.
- Prepare for Sunday.
Date: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd 2017
Sample Itinerary:
- More of the same but instead of an evening of music we'll have an afternoon of the notoriously lengthy and generous raffle and the famous Fantastic Awards Ceremony!
- Back to the biscuit table to sample some more chocolatey delights before heading back into the fray to...
Well, you see where I'm going with this, right?
Come and join the fun!
This is Hull's most diverse convention and we're running a crowdfunding project to cover the most expensive bits of it.
It's live right now and if you drop just £1 into the pot you'll get all my silly updates, including the inevitable one shortly when I get blasted in the face by NERF ammunition from those I hold most dear to me as they laugh maniacally in the background.
Adding your name to the backer list will also help us increase visibility. Thanks!
You can grab your tickets for the awesomeness outlined above right now via the project page. You can join us for dinner on Friday night, grab yourself a tshirt, net a bargain threesome of signed, award winning crime novels, all manner of wonderful pledge gifts await and are only a click away.
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